Thursday, November 16, 2006

Picture-less Update

2 papers down. 1 OSCE (An examination of various short clinical problems) and the dreaded Long Case (Examination of one complex clinical problem and management issues with a viva to boot!) completed.

Praise God for 'acute pancreatitis' (uh... I don't have it!). But my Long Case patient does - and thank God because I just spent an evening recently holed up at McDonald's discussing the very 'acute pancreatitis' with a colleague. Needless to say - I walked out of the examination room beaming - and very thankful she does not have Leukemia (that I only studied all of 3 minutes on) or Sjogren's Syndrome or Steroid overdose or Pott's Disease or any mambo jumbo that I cannot pronounce or spell. BTW if you think you have any of the above mentioned problems in the future... see another doctor.

1 OSCE left tomorrow at the Austin - and that's it! NO MORE exams, nada, zilch. Free man, graduate... no more studying (yeah right!), you get the drift.

So till then - apologies for the lack of updates! Unless you want to see photographs of exam pape... (oooh... shouldn't have mentioned it... shhhh....)


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